How to Get the Perfect & Legal Privacy Policy for Your Blog.

If you already have a blog something every blog needs to comply with the law it is a privacy policy, it is also something that confuses almost everyone (including me) one of the questions I get most in emails, and in my Facebook group is where do I get a Privacy policy, where do I put my privacy policy, and what needs to go in it? so I wanted to answer this for all of you guys in case you were worrying too.

Why do you need a privacy policy?

A privacy policy is legally required because it tells your readers what information you are collecting from them, and what you are doing with their information. 

This way people can make a wise decision on whether or not your website is a place that they trust. 

In order to comply with the law, and tell people your website is trustworthy you are going to need a privacy policy.

Where do you get a privacy policy?

There are a few places you can get a privacy policy and they range from free to very expensive. 

Free: you can get a privacy policy for free from Shopify, however you need to fill in the blanks and add things you use. For instance, if you use Google Analytics to track analytics you would need to put that in your privacy policy if you collect people's emails for your email list you would need to add that. It isn't too hard to add those things and if you need inspiration for how to write it you can look at my privacy policy for inspiration. 

You can click here for the free Shopify privacy policy generator.

Semi-Affordable: If you don't trust yourself to make a privacy policy then a great option is to get on Etsy. That way someone else writes it and you can tell them what information you use on your blog and ask them questions. I have really only seen two Etsy sellers sell website privacy policies. 

You can click here to get a privacy policy on Etsy.

Expensive: If you want a 100% custom privacy policy crafted by someone who knows the laws you can get a privacy policy/terms and conditions crafted by a lawyer on LegalZoom. It is really expensive but they will set up a virtual appointment with you and you can discuss what you want and need and they will make the terms and conditions for you. 

You can click here to get a privacy policy on LegalZoom.

Where do you put a privacy policy?

I always put my privacy policy in a footer menu on my website. To do that you create a page on your website and paste the privacy policy on to it and title it privacy policy or terms of use.

Then you have to create a footer navigation for your website. 

Creating footer navigation can be a little tricky but this guide will walk you through it.

That's it, after you have a privacy policy, and it is in a place people can find it your blog is ready to go on legally!

Hopefully, this answered some of your questions about blogging and privacy policies! 


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