How I Make Over $150,000 a year from home with a blog.

Copy and paste my exact strategy for starting a six-figure blog from home so you don’t have to start from square one.

Hey there new friend, I’m Taylor Stanford!

Does this sound like you?

Stuck in a never-ending cycle of clocking in at a job you hate just so you can keep getting by? Yep, that was me.

Going to nursing school while managing the fryer and mopping spills wasn't exactly the dream, but hey, it almost paid the bills (thanks inflation!).

Every shift felt like an eternity, counting down the seconds until I could ditch the stinky and stained uniform.

Even outside of work, my life felt bleak. My credit card debt was stacking up fast. I struggled to make even the minimum payments each month. I felt like there was no way out.

I put up with all of it until I literally couldn’t anymore…

My job let me know that I was being laid off during the slow season.

They said I could return in the fall if I wanted.

Suddenly, I was dropped into the deep end of life, and it was time to sink or swim. I had to figure out how to keep getting by.

I already didn’t like my life but now I felt completely hopeless.

In an effort to try and think “positively”, I started to consider maybe I could turn this crap show into a good thing. Maybe I could figure out a way to make more money, and maybe even make it from home.

I turned to the internet to try and figure out how I could make that dream a reality.

I was served pin after pin on Pinterest about ways I could make money from home:

I kept seeing things like “Start a print-on-demand business” “Take this $500 course and I’ll tell you everything about affiliate marketing” and “Sell digital products”

It all felt so overwhelming.

One day, while scrolling Pinterest and sipping my off-brand Keurig K-Cup (definitely no Starbucks for me at that time), I came across a pin about a blogger making $10,000 a month, and I nearly did a spit take. Blogging sounded fun, and $10,000 a month would be life-changing.

Motivated by the caffeine and the fact that I still had room to spend $72 on my credit card I decided to give blogging a go.

It was a complete SH*T show.

This is the part where you probably think I’m going to say something along the lines of “and it made me six figures in two months.” WRONG. It was a complete mess.

I jumped into the deep end head first and was in WAY WAY over my head. I had no clue what I was doing and no idea where to turn. I wasted so much time. Here are the mistakes I made so you don’t make them too:

I started my first blog on the wrong platform.

Who knew that it matters where you start your blog? I sure didn’t. I headed over to the first place I could find to start a free blog. Turns out that mistake would set me back months. You need to have a self-hosted blog if you want to make money as a blogger.

I got lost in the technical nightmare of trying to make my blog look decent.

I have ZERO technical skills, so when it was time to make my blog look decent, I had no clue what to do and wasted tons of time just trying to get it to look halfway decent. It turns out there are easy-to-install free templates that you can use to make your self-hosted blog look great. No real technical knowledge is required.

I accidentally made my blog impossible for potential readers to find.

Did you know you have to set your blog to public? If you don’t, it’s basically just a digital diary that no one can find, and if no one can find it, it’s not going to earn any money. That was kind of the entire point of me starting it in the first place.

I spent weeks of time with my blog not monetized.

Did you know you don’t just set up your blog and get paid? You actually have to monetize it. I had no clue. It took me months of time and learning to finally figure out how to monetize my blog.

I spent hundreds of dollars I shouldn’t have on courses that taught me NOTHING.

Turns out not everyone on the internet is actually looking out for you. I guess I was just naive, but I thought that the people shelling these online courses actually wanted me to succeed. Turns out they just wanted my money. I took a few helpful courses but I took a lot of courses that just wasted my time.

I spent months with basically no readers and no income.

Once again something I didn’t realize is that you need people to go to your blog if you want to earn an income. I spent a good long while with basically no readers because I had no idea how to get people to my blog. I was no social media expert.

But just like every good Hallmark Movie, there was a happy ending (It just took me way too long to get there.)

How I finally went from food stamps to a six-figure blog.

Now this is the part of the story I get excited to tell.

After the slump of the summer, I ended up having to go back to work (BOO!), but I wasn’t ready to give up my blogging dream.

I knew it could still be my ticket out of that dead-end job I hated. So I added some digital marketing classes to my schedule and tried to learn EVERYTHING I could about how to start a blog and digital business the right way.

One night, after a late-night cup of coffee, when I finally felt like I knew what I was doing, I put together a guide of the exact strategy I thought I should follow to start and grow my blog.

It was based on my experience of failing at what I had tried so far everything I had learned from school and the helpful courses I had taken.

I was hopeful that this would finally be my big break but I wasn’t sure.

I spent the next few days executing the plan I had put together, and then what felt like MAGIC happened.

Like I had done every day before I opened the platform I used to monetize my blog. I was used to it saying $0, but this time, when I opened it, it said I had made $330 dollars that day.

I think I might have screamed. I for sure ran in and got my husband to show him. That week I went on to make $ 3,190.

I thought it was a fluke at first, but then it started happening week after week. Then I added another form of blog monetization, and that worked, too.

Before I knew it I had made $158,190 that year.

Yeah, $158,190.

( It still feels crazy to say.)

You can have a profitable blog quickly if you don’t waste time like I did.

I wanted to show you those screenshots so that you knew I was serious.

Blogging transformed my life. Forget the cramped studio apartment and the double duty of slinging sandwiches and managing a food service crew while cramming for nursing school. Now, my office is anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection and I got to build my dream home from the ground up.

Once I knew what to do it was like flipping a switch. If you are equipped with the right knowledge and help you can build a successful blog quickly.

I've helped over 400 aspiring bloggers transform their dreams into reality with the Blog Success Starter course.

by helping them avoid the confusing maze of starting a blog and having to figure it out alone.

(Oh, and don’t worry it isn’t some super expensive course that’s going to break the bank )

Here’s what Jenn had to say:


What the Blog Success Starter will walk you through.

Starting and growing a blog capable of making $10,000+  with no tech or writing experience.

Module 1: How To Start A Blog on The Right Platform for Monetization.

Remember how I said one of the main reasons I failed at blogging at first was that I started my blog on the wrong platform? It’s a simple mistake anyone could make. To help you avoid it, I've created a clear, step-by-step guide that includes all the resources you need to start a successful blog—no more dead ends.

Module 2: Behind The Blog.

Everything you need to do behind the scenes to get your blog ready for readers. Staring at a blank blog, overwhelmed by design choices, can leave anyone feeling lost. But launching your dream blog doesn't have to be a guessing game! My simple, step-by-step guide walks you through everything you need to create a beautiful and user-friendly blog, without any tech headaches. It's like having a design expert by your side, showing you exactly what to do (and what not to do) to make your blog shine.

Module 3: Let’s Go Grow!

Even with zero social media followers and no technical knowledge, you can unlock explosive traffic through Pinterest. In this final module of Blog Success Starter, I'll reveal the exact strategies that transformed me from a struggling blogger to a six-figure success story. You'll learn how to leverage the power of Pinterest to attract a dedicated audience and watch your blog come alive.

Wondering how blogs turn a profit? Thankfully it’s not magic – blogs can generate income through targeted ads, strategic affiliate marketing, brand sponsorships, and even creating and selling your own digital products. In Blog Success Starter, I'll break down each method into clear, actionable steps so you can start earning without needing a marketing degree. Forget the six-figure wait – with the right strategy, you can build a successful, revenue-generating blog much faster.

Module 4: Monetization.

Imagine life with your blog.

Starting your blog was easy. Only a day in and you’re ready to launch.

With the Blog Success Starter as your co-pilot. Launching your blog was smooth sailing – you knew exactly where to go and what buttons to click every step of the way. Because of this you were able to launch after only a day!

You’re few weeks in and you’re already making money.

You launched your blog after day one, which allowed you to monetize quickly, and now, less than a month in, you are seeing your first earnings within a month. That's the power of a streamlined process and proven strategies.

A few months in, and you’re ready to draft a two-week notice.

Picture this: your alarm clock chirps, but it’s the last time. You’re finally saying goodbye to your day job, thanks to the success of your blog. Picture yourself packing up your desk, a smile on your face as you walk out the door for the last time, ready to embrace your new life as a full-time blogger.

You’re officially living the life you dreamed up, no need to wait for retirement.

You did it! You traded your rigid schedule for one that revolves around what matters most to you. Picture yourself spending quality time with family, followed by adventures to dream destinations – all made possible by your successful blog.

Here’s what Ali had to say:

What's the Journey look like?

Enroll In Blog Success Starter.

Commit to starting your dream blog, or turning your blog into your dream blog by joining Blog Success Starter..

Start the program & start your blog.

Jump right away! All you have to do is join and login to get started. Use the lessons and step-by-step guides to start your blog, or get your current blog ready for success.

Use the combination of the program & my support to launch & grow your blog.

On top of the lessons, I’ll be there to help. You can email me with questions, or for feedback.

Live your dream blogger life.

Once you’ve completed the program, you should have started the blog of your dreams. Hopefully, all you have to do is continue to grow and maintain the successful blog we built together.



The course is comprised of 20+ video lessons, a downloadable workbook, and email support.

Want the nitty gritty on exactly what you’ll find inside? Here it is:

Module 1: How To Start Your Blog

  1. Topic & Domain Name: Learn how to choose the right topic and name for your blog.

  2. Starting Your Blog: Follow me step-by-step as I walk you through exactly how to start your blog.

  3. Designing Your Blog: Come with me behind the scenes as I show you how to design your blog for success while spending no extra money, and having no background in design or tech.

  4. Pages: Let me walk you through each page you should have on your blog before you launch including how to create them, and what to talk about on them.

  5. Verification: Join me as I show you how to verify your website on Pinterest so you don’t get lost in the crowd of bloggers who never make it.

Module 2: Behind The Blog

  1. Email Lists: Learn how to create an email list and why you should start this early.

  2. Crafting Killer Content: Follow me as I explain my personal strategy for creating content that pays well.

  3. Crafting an Opt-In: Let me explain how to create a killer opt-in to help you build that new email list of yours.

  4. Putting It Together: Follow along as I dive into the content and your email list and how it all works together to grow your blog and income.

Module 3: Let’s Go Grow

  1. Get Your Pinterest Account Ready: Learn how to get your Pinterest account ready for success. No need for previous knowledge or followers.

  2. Creating Pins: Follow me as I walk you through how to create show-stopping, traffic-driving pins for your new blog.

  3. Posting Pins: New to creating pins? No problem. Follow along as I explain how to post and schedule pins for the future.

  4. SEO Basics: Learn how to get your blog onto Google & other search engines for even more readers.

  5. Facebook Group 101: How to use this free side of Facebook to build a killer community of people interested in your blog.

Module 4: Monetize

  1. Affiliate 101: Learn how to find affiliate programs that pay well as a new blogger.

  2. Creating Affiliate Blog Posts: Join me as we dive into the secrets of affiliate marketing! We'll explore proven strategies and the psychology behind crafting high-converting affiliate blog posts that drive sales and keep your audience engaged.

  3. All About Ads: Learn everything you need to know about ads to get started putting them on your blog from the very beginning.

  4. Sponsorship Superpowers: Learn how to connect yourself with companies to get sponsorships for your blog.

  5. Products 101: How to use the growth of your blog to sell digital products you’ve created.

Here’s what Taylor had to say...

“Your course has been extremely helpful - thank you so much! It’s affordable, provides all the resources a new blogger needs, and it’s very user-friendly. I love the guides and video tutorials. I also appreciate how often you encourage us to reach out to you for help. Thank you again”

- Taylor Maleski

officially OPEN for enrollment!

Blog Success Starter

What happens once you enroll .

The process..

Once you purchase the program, you'll be prompted to create your course login. From there, you can log in to the course and begin learning right away.

You should also get an email from me shortly after enrolling just to check in and make sure you got everything you needed and that everything is going smoothly.

Once you're inside the program, you can move at your own pace. You’ve got lifetime access so take things at your own speed.

If you have any snags along the way or just want some feedback you can feel free to email me anytime.


Blog Success Starter for?

Anyone who wants to start a successful blog.

Have you ever found yourself thinking about your life and what it would look like if you were a full-time blogger? Maybe you've tried to start a blog, and it didn't work out. Maybe you've always wanted to, but you've just not done it yet. Or maybe today is the first time you are thinking about it.

If you are any of the above groups or just someone who wants to learn more about blogging then Blog Success Starter is for you.


How Blog Success Starter will help you succeed.

special support:

Email Support.

Hit a snag? No problem! I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Throughout the program, you have unlimited access to my personal email support. Whether you need a quick tip or a helping hand tackling a challenge, I'm just a message away.

99% of new bloggers quit before they make a $1.

Blogging is confusing and lonely. So many bloggers paint blogging out to be an easy profession that they stumbled into just so they can sell you on some product, or service. The truth of the matter is that 99% of people who set out to be full-time bloggers quit before they make their first $1 because it's too confusing or hard and they don't know where to turn to for help.

The whole point of blog success starter with me is to help you get the knowledge you need so that so that you can start a blog capable of being part of the 1% of bloggers that actually make it to the point of earning money from your blog.

Here’s what Moriah had to say...

“This program has been incredible for me. I’ve looked through quite a few free as well as paid courses on exactly what you teach, and unfortunately did not find them to be as helpful. When you say from scratch, you MEAN from scratch. Would recommend this 100 times over. ”

- Moriah Vorgitch

Blog Success Starter is made to help you achieve your blogging dreams!

it will help you even if...

I created this program for people like me when I started blogging.





You have no idea what you would blog about.

You have no clue how to start a blog.

You aren't tech savy and have no idea how to design a blog.

You have no clue how you would even begin to make money from a blog.

officially OPEN for enrollment!

Blog Success Starter


I’m Taylor

If you’ve made it this far you might be wondering who I am. I'm Taylor Stanford; I started my lifestyle blog a few years ago as a way to share what it's like to go to college out of state, affordable recipes, and everyday style.

I’m always down for a good Disney day. I love everything on the menu at Chick-fil-A, and I would find a reason to go to Target and TJ Maxx every day if I could. On a normal afternoon you’ll find me sipping iced coffee on the porch while my baby does tummy time with a sensory bin I got the idea for off Pinterest or TikTok.

I built this blog and planner business so that I could live the life I pinned to my Pinterest board. It took me years to get here but now I want to help you do the same without wasting nearly as much time as I did.

Have a question?

Maybe I have the answer! Click the question to see the answer.

  • You can totally move at your own pace because you have lifetime access to all of the curriculum. I personally would recommend dedicating at least a few hours a week to your blog.

  • Absolutely! This program was created to help you start a successful blog. This means in the curriculum, we teach you exactly how you can start a blog step-by-step.

  • If you are still a beginner or intermediate blogger, this program can still help you. You’ll breeze past the initial set-up stuff, but there will still be a ton of helpful information about content, monetization, and growth.

  • Totally! Because you can reach out to me via email at any time, you will have plenty of support.

  • Absolutely. I want you to join this program confidently. We have a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you join and complete module one and don't love the program, send us an email at, and we will give you a full refund.

  • You will have lifetime access to the curriculum which means this won’t be taken away from you at any time. If I decide to take it offline, I’ll send you an email, and you’ll be able to download the materials so you can have them forever.

  • Yes! Social media is our favorite way to grow your blog’s traffic and income. This includes Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

  • Yes! One of the things most people mean when they say they want a successful blog is they want to make money. In this program, we share our strategy for how we make money as six-figure bloggers, which includes ads, affiliate marketing, digital product creation, and sponsorships.

Still have questions?

Have a question we didn't answer in the FAQ?

Feel free to email me ( your hesitations or any questions you have.

We don't want you jumping into this unsure. Let us put your mind at ease.

officially OPEN for enrollment!

Blog Success Starter