Taylor Stanford’s

Blog Coaching

The comprehensive program that could take you from thinking about starting a blog to making $200,000+ a year blogging (It’s what worked for me on this very blog.)

With simple step-by-step guides, video lessons, an easy-to-follow workbook, and four months of one-on-one text support and mentorship, your path to blogging success is simpler than you ever expected.

700+ Students Enrolled

You’ve thought about blogging, maybe even started one but where do you go from here?

Blog coaching is the detailed look into a six-figure blog that everyone needs to level up faster.

Blog coaching will give you an inside look into the exact thought process, steps, and strategies I used to start, build, and grow my six-figure blog over the last few years without:

  • A large social media following.

  • Being tech-savvy.

  • Having a fancy computer or camera.

  • Creating Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok content.

Blog coaching will take you from being a blogging novice to someone with the experience of a six-figure blogger at their finger tips, so that you can confidently grow the successful blog you’ve been dreaming of.

Imagine 7 months from now with your blog.

(I say 7 months because that’s how long it took me)

Quit your day job.

In 7 months you might have finally hit send on the “2 Week Notice” email to HR. You’ll no longer be clocking in and out of the job that you don’t love. You won’t have to waste time working to make someone else more money.

In charge of your own schedule.

Sick of waking up early or having to stay up late to work? In seven months you could be in charge of your own schedule. Wake up when you want to, work when you want to.

Making more than you ever thought.

Sick of making the same hourly wage, hoping for a raise and wondering how you’ll ever be able to make the income you want? In 7 months you could be making more per day than you do in a week right now.

An entrepreneur.

In seven months you’ll know that you are capable of making your dreams come true.


Blog Coaching

This 4-month digital coaching program is designed to guide you step-by-step through the process of starting, designing, monetizing, and growing your blog.

Four Comprehensive Modules:

Each month a module comes out. Each module comes with engaging video lessons and a practical workbook to help you apply what you learn.

  • Starting a Blog: Learn how to choose your niche, set up your blog, and create compelling content.

  • Designing Your Blog: Create a professional, beautiful blog that attracts readers and builds your brand.

  • Monetizing Your Blog: Discover proven strategies to turn your blog into a profitable business.

  • Growing Your Blog: Use social media and ads to expand your reach and build a loyal audience.

Plus, Exclusive One-on-One Support:

When you join Blog Coaching, you’ll get four months of personal text support and mentorship from me. You’ll have my personal number, so you can text me anytime with questions or for feedback. I’ll be right there with you, making sure you get your blogging career off to the right start.

Let’s make 2024 the year you become a successful blogger. You’ve got the passion, and I’ve got the roadmap. Together, we’ll turn your dreams into reality!

What's the Journey look like?

Enroll In Blog Coaching.

Commit to starting your dream blog, or turning your blog into your dream blog by joining blog coaching.

Start the program & start your blog (or update your blog) accordingly.

Jump right away! All you have to do is join and login to get started. Use the lessons and step-by-step guides to start your blog, or get your current blog ready for success.

Use the combination of the program, mentorship & support to launch & grow your blog.

On top of the lessons I’ll be there each week texting you to mentor you through this journey. Plus in the mean time you can text me with questions, or for feedback whenever.

Live your dream blogger life.

Once the 4 months is up you should have the blog of your dreams. Hopefully all you have to do is continue to maintain the succesful blog we built together.


What Blog Coaching will walk you through.

Month 1: How To Start A Blog.

  • During the first month, we will be working on everything you need to do to start a blog the right way.

  • I will teach you how to pick a blog name and a topic to talk about.

  • Then, I will dive into everything you need to do behind the scenes to get your blog up and running successfully. 

Month 2: How To Brand A Blog.

  • One of the hardest parts of starting a successful blog is designing it yourself without breaking the bank.

  • In month two, I'm going to walk you through how to design your blog yourself without breaking the bank.

  • We will talk about logos, photography, colors, fonts, themes, and page design you need to have a successful blog.

Month 3: How To Monetize.

  • If you want to make money blogging, you need to know how to monetize your blog.

  • In month three, I will be diving into how to get ads for your blog, how to get into affiliate marketing, how to get brands to sponsor your blog, and how to create and sell your own products on your blog without going into debt to do so.

Month 4: Ways To Grow.

  • To have a successful blog, you need people to see it.

  • In month four, I will be walking you through how to use social media to grow your blog.

  • We will be talking about how to use and succeed with Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook & even TikTok in order to be more successful. 

On top of what you'll learn you'll also have one-of-a-kind support including:

Personal Mentorship.

Do you find it challenging to stay committed to your goals? Do you wish you had someone cheering you on and keeping you accountable? Well, guess what? Throughout this program, I’ll be right by your side every step of the way. Each week, I’ll reach out with encouraging words and track your progress to ensure you stay on course. You deserve to achieve the success you’ve been dreaming of, and I’m here to make sure you do! Together, we’ll make sure you don’t fall off the wagon this time around.

One-on-One Text Support.

I totally get it – starting and growing a blog can feel overwhelming, and the last thing I want is for you to feel stuck or like you’re doing this alone. That’s why, during this session of my blog coaching program, I’m offering exclusive one-on-one text coaching for the entire four months! When you sign up, you’ll get my personal number, and you can text me anytime you have questions or need feedback. I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s make this journey together and turn your blogging dreams into reality!

There is no other job like blogging. It can truly change your life.

But most people think blogging is something they could never be successful at so unfortunately they don't even try. People think you need to have something specific to talk about, a perfect life and the right technology to get started.

Truth be told..




You can talk about anything on your blog and be successful you don't need to be an expert at anything. 

You don't need to be a perfect-looking life, heck you don't even need to take pictures to be a successful blogger.

You don't need to be tech savvy to be a blogger. You also don't need a fancy computer (I grew my blog from an old iphone & a chromebook)

I say this to tell you that if you are reading this and you want to start a blog, you have everything you need. You've got this!

Start & grow the blog you have always wanted, without the stress of doing it alone.

Have you ever found yourself scrolling Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook dreaming of being a full-time blogger? We all see the lives of full-time bloggers online. They get to experience exclusive luxury vacations, get free products before they are available to the public, and they get paid to talk about things they love while making good money from home (or wherever they choose to be that day).

The problem with becoming a full-time blogger is that it can be confusing, hard, and lonely. When you take the chance and start a blog you often have to step out into something you don't understand without anyone to turn to for help. Sure you can take a course but the instructors are normally distant and not available for questions. Which is why I decided to offer a one of a kind coaching program

99% of new bloggers quit before they make a $1.

Blogging is confusing and lonely. So many bloggers paint blogging out to be an easy profession that they stumbled into just so they can sell you on some product, or service. The truth of the matter is that 99% of people who set out to be full-time bloggers quit before they make their first $1 because it's too confusing or hard and they don't know where to turn to for help.

The whole point of blog coaching  with me is to help you get the knowledge , assistance, and community you need so that so that you can become part of the 1% of bloggers that actually make it to the point of earning money from your blog.


How can Blog Coaching help you succeed.

one-of-a-kind support including:

Personal Mentorship.

Do you find it challenging to stay committed to your goals? Do you wish you had someone cheering you on and keeping you accountable? Well, guess what? Throughout this program, I’ll be right by your side every step of the way. Each week, I’ll reach out with encouraging words and track your progress to ensure you stay on course. You deserve to achieve the success you’ve been dreaming of, and I’m here to make sure you do! Together, we’ll make sure you don’t fall off the wagon this time around.

One-on-One Text Support.

I totally get it – starting and growing a blog can feel overwhelming, and the last thing I want is for you to feel stuck or like you’re doing this alone. That’s why, during this session of my blog coaching program, I’m offering exclusive one-on-one text coaching for the entire four months! When you sign up, you’ll get my personal number, and you can text me anytime you have questions or need feedback. I’m here to support you every step of the way. Let’s make this journey together and turn your blogging dreams into reality!

Blog Coaching is officially OPEN for enrollment!







Blog coaching is made to help you achieve your blogging dreams!

blog coaching will help you even if...

I created this program for people like me when I started blogging.






You have no idea what you would blog about.

You have no clue how to start a blog.

You aren't tech savy and have no idea how to design a blog.

Even if you started a blog you would have no idea how to get readers.

Plus you have no clue how you would even begin to make money from a blog. 


"I loved Taylor's program. I found it to be so incredibly helpful for a newbie like me, who has wanted to start a blog for years but had no clue where to start! I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start a blog but is hesitant to start."

- ashlyn highfill

What happens once you enroll in blog coaching.

The process..

Once you purchase the coaching program, you'll receive an email from me within a few minutes that includes my number. Be sure to text me right away with your name—I can’t wait to get to know you! From that moment on, you can start texting me anytime you have questions or want feedback. You’ll have unlimited access to text me anytime during the entire four-month program, and I’ll also reach out to you weekly via text to support you.

In the same email, you'll receive a link to create a login for accessing the video lessons and workbooks that come with the coaching program. The content for Month One will be available immediately, and the content for each subsequent month will be released monthly until all four months are available. I will also send you an email notification whenever new video lessons are released.

I’m so excited to start this journey with you!


I’m Taylor

You might be wondering who I am and why you should take blog coaching with me. I'm Taylor Stanford; I started my lifestyle blog a few years ago as a way to share what it's like to go to college out of state, affordable recipes, and everyday style.

A year in, I had made enough blogging to quit my job and have been a full-time blogger ever since. Now, using my blog, I make as much as $25,000 per month.

One of the questions I get the most from readers, friends, and family is "How did you do it?" and "Is it something I could do."

So, I created blog coaching to help anyone who wants to start a blog succeed in blogging.

Peak at my actual numbers…

Before getting coached by someone it is easy to want to make sure they are qualified to teach you on that subject. Here is a glimpse into what my blog actually earns.

My mainstream of income.

My second stream of income.

My third stream of income.

What’s the “pay-in-full” bonus?

The pay-in-full bonus is a complete guide to the first three blog posts that made me money as a blogger. This bonus guide includes:

1. What the blog posts were.
2. How I made money from them.
3. A step-by-step guide of how you can recreate those posts on your on blog to make money, including social media sharing templates.

I have used these blog post templates to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from my blog. Do you know the income I reported above? I made most of that using these templates!


Blog Coaching for?

Anyone who wants to build a successful blog.

Have you ever found yourself thinking about your life and what it would look like if you were a full-time blogger? Maybe you've tried to start a blog, and it didn't work out, maybe you've always wanted to but you've just not done it yet, or maybe today is the first time you are thinking about it.

If you are any of the above groups or just someone who wants to get coached on blogging then blog coaching is for you.

Have a question?

Maybe I have the answer! Click the question to see the answer.

  • To stay on the program timeline, you need about 2 hours a week to dedicate to the program. However, you can totally move at your own pace because you have lifetime access to all of the curriculum.

  • Absolutely! This program was created to help you no matter what stage you're at. This means in the curriculum, we teach you exactly how you can start a blog step-by-step, and from there, you will get to learn and grow just like everyone else in the program.

  • Totally! This is not just a beginner’s program. Because of the one-on-one coaching and advanced curriculum, this program will totally work for people who already have blogs but are looking to scale them to the next level.

  • Totally! Because of the one-on-one coaching, you will have plenty of support.

  • Absolutely. I want you to join this program confidently. We have a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you join and complete module one and don't love the program, send us an email at hi@taylorstanford.com, and we will give you a full refund.

  • You will have lifetime access to the curriculum and Facebook group, which means this won’t be taken away from you at any time. If I decide to take it offline, I’ll send you an email, and you’ll be able to download the materials so you can have them forever.

  • Yes! Social media is our favorite way to grow your blog’s traffic and income. So, in month four of the program, we heavily dive into social media and how you can use it to grow your blog and business. This includes Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook.

  • Yes! One of the things most people mean when they say they want a successful blog is they want to make money. In this program, we share our strategy for how we make money as six-figure bloggers, which includes ads, affiliate marketing, digital product creation, and sponsorships.

  • We love email lists, and we will be talking about email lists a little bit in this program. Email lists are not the main focus of this program, and if you don't feel like you are learning enough about them, you can always ask Taylor in your one-on-one text coaching.

Still have questions?

Have a question we didn't answer in the FAQ?

Feel free to email me (hi@taylorstanford.com) your hesitations or any questions you have.

We don't want you jumping into this unsure. Let us put your mind at ease.

Blog Coaching is officially OPEN for enrollment!





